Do it again exactly like you did the first time, EXCEPT, do not delete the WAV file. When you're done encoding, do a 3-way comparison between CD, WAV and MP3. Basically you want to figure out where the problems are being introduced. If your WAV is lousy, then your problem is at the ripping stage, not encode. If your WAV is fine, try the r3mix setting. Or try the following (which is mostly r3mix):
"--nspsytune --vbr-mtrh -V0 -mj -h -b112 --lowpass 19.5 --athtype 3 --ns-sfb21 2 -Z -X0 %s %d"
Don't include the quotes when you paste it into AG. Obviously you have to pick "user defined" in the list box above where you paste the argument.