Tivo is starting to make me wonder. I'm not sure if they know what they're doing anymore.

They've released their series 2 now, and it's pretty plain to see that if you currently own a Tivo, there's no point in upgrading. You'll pay $400 and all you'll get is twice the standard recording time (unhacked), and a couple USB ports. Granted, those ports are intriguing, but I haven't seen them say what they plan for them. All I've seen are mentions of peripherals due out next winter! That doesn't make any sense to me. I suppose they're releasing the new product now, as to have them out there when the peripherals become available, but they should give us some idea as to what those will be. Without that, I have absolutely no reason to shell out another 400 bucks.

Also, did anyone else here get a stupid little letter in the mail from Tivo? "...we've enclosed a small gift as a token of our appreciation..." Yeah, they enclosed a sticker. That would be okay if it weren't intended as a window decal. Where the hell am I going to put this? On the window of my house? That's like the opposite of an alarm system decal. And it's much too huge and ugly to put on my car, or anywhere else. Great marketing idea, Tivo. I think an empeg sticker is fine because crooks don't know what it is from the outside. A lot of people know what Tivo is.

Ahh, sorry about all this. I'm sick today and I guess I'm just irritable