I see what you're saying, and I agree. Your point is: Even if the Empeg had bidirectional USB file transfers, it would be no more a tool for piracy than any other high-capacity removable-media drive. In fact, Zip drives, Jaz drives, and CD-Rs would still be easier to use for that purpose. So technically, being able to back up your Empeg's contents has nothing to do with piracy.

But Empeg's concern isn't really with the technical aspects of it. Their concern is that they don't want to attract undue attention from the RIAA. I understand that. It sucks that they have to worry about it at all, but they're already busy enough trying to ship a great product-- getting bogged down with a lawsuit isn't something they need to waste time on right now.

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris