Or even GHOST the data to the drive, and then the EMPEG will work with the bigger drive and not even know that it was changed?

Yes and no.

Plugging your hard disk into a PC and using ghost could cause problems. Current PCs are the latest in a long chain of kludges and therefore do wierd things. If you start with a blank drive on your PC it will probably treat it as LBA so that it will work with steam driven software. This means that the CHS (cylinders, heads and sectors) is rearranged to ensure that DOS programs can access as much of the disk as possible. This is usually a good idea. Unfortunately though the original empeg disk images were created on Linux boxes which didn't need to do this and used sensible values for the CHS. This wouldn't be important apart from the fact that this affects the partition table and every release since beta8b has actually written the partition table in order to create a new swap partition.

If you are a Linux guru then you could probably successfully create a partition table compatible with the empeg upgrade process but under DOS it would certainly be a challenge.

In summary - don't use Ghost. Using the unit itself to do the backup should work very well though.


Mike Crowe
I may not be speaking on behalf of empeg above :-)
Mike Crowe