Okay, given that i way prefer quality over BOOM... i'll feign an attempt at explaining why somepeople might like boom. Subtract all the obvious kids who have boom cars just to get attention first off. You're left with those who either do it for competition SPL stuff, and those who like to FEEL their music. If you've ever been to a dance club, you know how insane some of their sub-systems can get. I don't frequent clubs... but when i go to see my friend DJ... i "get it". I totally understand why people love to go dancing... it's about feeling the music to a lot of people... and bass certainly does that. I've got two 10's in my trunk, and when i turn it up, it can get boomy... and every once and a while i'll crank it, because sometimes it just feels kick ass to have sound surge through your body. I too lower the volume at stop lights, i'm considerate that way =]

I'd wager that a small minority fall into that category. I'm not trying to argue any points... just food for thought.
|| loren ||