Well, when you compete in a sport that's judged instead of timed or measured, this is bound to happen. It's certainly not the first time it's happened in skating, especially in pairs skating. So much of a figure skating score is based on reputation rather than technical merit. This, however, is the first time that a technically BAD program has bested what was almost a flawless program from the Canadians, and was also, most would say, more artistically pleasing.

A majority of my ethnic makeup (50%) is French Canadian, so I always root for Canada whenever the U.S. doesn't stand a chance. I was rather upset by the marks, but not surprised. I've kinda been around the sport at its lower levels in the past, so I've seen its ugly side on a smaller scale. But this sham of a pairs finals is perhaps the most glaring example ever of the inequity of this "sport." The only differences between amateur figure skating and professional boxing are tighter outfits and Don King.
- Tony C
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