Using tar has one nice side-effect - the original file modification dates/times are

to move the files via tar you can use the following commands:

cd /drive0
rm -rf fids
cd /drive1
tar cf - fids | (cd /drive0; tar xvf -)

(Effectively replace the 'cp -R fids /drive0' with the tar cf - ... line from the earlier post).

if you don't want tar to show each file as its restored leave the v out
of the xvf [i.e. tar xvf - become tar xf - ]
Note that the brackets '(' & ')' are critical in the above command - do not leave them out!

This is more or less what the Lazy bastards copying method does, except the pipe is replaced by a netcat in 'send mode' on the sending empeg and a netcar in 'receive mode' is then piped to the tar xvf - thus allowing you to move trees across machines.