Doug is right. Until you have actually gone to the store and purchased a brand-new battery and put it into the remote, you don't know that it's not the battery.

We are serious about this. Definitely buy a new battery. Just because the remote is new out of the box doesn't mean its battery is fresh. Just because the remote works sometimes doesn't mean its battery is fresh. Just because the battery make the needle on the volt meter jump, doesn't mean it's fresh.

After you've gone to the store, purchased a brand-new battery, put it in the remote, and then seen that it doesn't work, then contact support.

By the way, if you have any software version labeled 2.0-beta-anything, there might be a bug in the player that causes all front-panel and remote input to lock up. If the remote seems to lock up, check the front panel input and see if that is also locked. If so, the remote has nothing to do with it, it's the current bug in 2.0 beta x.
Tony Fabris