You know how you always learn the hard way? Well, I was doing a "paint-the-fascia-to-match-the-dash" mod. It was going to look really good. It is a wrinkle type paint that I sampled and would blend really nicely. Well, to make the wrinkles, you have to apply a little heat. I set the piece next to a halogen lamp to accomplish this. Well, the lamp didn't seem that hot........ So anyhow it's not melted really, warped might be a better word.

To make a long story short (too late), I need another fascia (the ornate plastic plate the screws hold down, not the colored bits underneath it). If there is any source for just the fascia, or if anyone with a custom wooden one still has the old plastic piece around, or any other similar ideas, PLEASE let me know. I might just go buy a 30 to get another plate, but that might be excessive. I can pay for your troubles, just name a price.

I feel like such a bad dad right now, I hurt my baby