No trouble with the Update (I had both serial and usb connected, and I forgot to set the unit to use serial, does it default?).
The new visuals are nice (Especially the large pulsing text, and the dotscapes)
However, I noticed a few have gone from the last beta, is there a max number of visuals?
Also, worms has gained the track title, I quite liked it without..

The new visual list...

1 : Filled Oscilloscope
2 : Dot morph
3 : Dot Osc Plane
4 : Dot Morph 2
5 : Oscilloscope
6 : L/R volume with peak
7 : Cube
8 : Medium Bar, No Peak
9 : Wide Bar Peak
10: Medium Bar, No Peak
11: Thin Bar, Peak
12: Really Thin Bar, Peak
13: Thin Mirror Bar, Peak
14: Thin Mirror Bar, No Peak
15: Plasma 1
16: Plasma 2
17: Plasma 3
18: Pulsing Empeg with Tux
19: Large Wavy text, with Star field
20: Large Pulsing Text, With Star field
21: Worms (With title =(
22: Blank
23: Blank

Nice work all.. =)

(List 112, S/N 00030, 4 gig blue)
Jazz (List 112, Mk2 42 gig #40. Mk1 4 gig #30. Mk3 1.6 16v)