6/12/2009 - Stock in Kimberly-Clark, the makers of Kleenex, splits 3 for 1.

(Ummmm, I think it's 4 for 1......oops, the tape is rolling!)

Tony, you are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!!! Verrrrry baaaaad!!! Shame on you for your bad thoughts!

(She *is* waaaay cute.....and.....Oops, tape still rolling.....Jennifer forgive me!!!)

You forgot the part about the judge from the UK who gets sent packing in 2006. Perfide Albion!!

Bad boy!


(Seriously, my best to them. They seem nice...normal, even! May the world never have to endure another sordid Tonya story.... Back to extreme curling!)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.