how do you treat your vehicle for all that ambient noise? Do you just live with the background noise, and crank the volume up?

Personally, I just live with the noise and crank up the volume. But I've known others who go to more trouble. One of my close friends dismantled his Toyota Celica's interior down to the bare metal and applied dynamat to every possible surface. When he was done, the car sounded like a Mercedes inside.

In case you haven't seen it before, dynamat is basically sheets of thick rubber with heat- and pressure-sensitive sticky stuff on the back. You dismantle the plastic and upholstery bits inside your car, dynamat the bare metal, and reassemble the interior. You can get the stuff from Crutchfiled, but it's not cheap.

Dynamat is advertised as a cheap way to improve your stereo's sound quality. The idea is, if you bring the car's noise floor down, you can play your stereo at lower volumes and you don't have to buy more powerful speakers and amps. To me, though, it's cheaper and easier to buy bigger amps than to strip down my car's interior so I can get at the bare metal.

-- Tony Fabris -- Empeg #144 --
Caution: Do not look into laser with remaining good eye.
Tony Fabris