Dork?!? Mark! This is hilarious! You've got a personality problem, I'm telling you! Listen you have to get used to criticism otherwise it's gonna get too easy and funny to drive you mad!
So, I see, your "next playlist concept" is NOT what you explained later in your message, but what I said commenting on it. Ok. So, let me suggest you to improve your English a little bit. Well, I admit I should really shut up on this, my English is really bad too, and I had to look on the dictionary what "dork" means.
Well, this is hilarious and also totally pathetic. My excuses to everybody for the way this thread degenerated. That was not in my intentions, at all. So, I think I'll stop here and avoid that Mark freaks out eben more and shuts down Hijack's website again, ok? No panic! ;D
= Dork =