I bought two 30GB empegs from the online store. I eventually want to put a pair of 40GB or 48GB hds in one of them, so I read the instructions on how to add HDs from the riocar.org website. I took the 30GB Ibm HD out from one empeg, added the jumper to make it a slave drive, and mounted it to the other. Connected everything, and it loaded up fine in emplode, showing 57XXX MB available.

I didn't however do the DISK BUILDER step and am wondering if I really need to since it came from another empeg, and seems to be okay. I'm assuming it doesn't need that step, but just wanted to get confirmation from someone out there.

For now, I'll have an empty empeg with no hard drives until the 48GB HDs go down below $150. (maybe 6-9 months hopefully)

Thanks for your replies