I don't know if emptool supports downloads, but I know JEmplode does. If all you need is downloads under Linux, that might be your ticket.

2.0b11 has been pretty stable for me, but it's interesting that you should mention a lockup on "Starting Audio". I got this lockup EXACTLY ONCE on my normally perfectly-stable player. I do not know what causes it. Anyone?

Regarding the "DC power visuals" thing, understand this:

- "DC power" is our shorthand for "whenever the player thinks it's getting power from the sled connector as opposed to the home connector and is therefore assumed to be installed in the car at that time".

- It only goes back to a text screen at BOOT TIME. This is shorthand for "any time it goes through a complete reload of all software including the kernel from scratch, not when it wakes up out of standby mode". So the go-back-to-text-screen thing does not happen when you wake the player out of standby mode. For information on what standby mode is, please search the FAQ on "standby mode".

- Mark Lord's Hijack has a feature that allows you to get around the go-back-to-text-screen-thing, yes. It requires one of his latest versions of Hijack in order to work properly on 2.0b11.
Tony Fabris