I finally downloaded MS XML parser for my ancient IE5.5/Win98 setup, and, wow, this is really great, Tom!

Of course, I have a problem: I tried one of earliest streaming Hijacks, and it streamed OK. Now (with v225 and your xsl - I haven't tried anything in between) clicking on stream icon results in some traffic, but nothing else happens. I think that .m3u files are correctly generated and associated with WinAmp, since if I right-click on the stream icon, select 'Save target as...', save the resulting playlist somewhere, and finally double-click on it, WinAmp gets fired with the list correctly (and plays as expected). So, it must be something with IE setup. Any ideas?

Also, display color change does not seem to work, but I can really live with that ;-)

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue