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&nbsp is not valid HTML, unless recursively parsed

Couple of things. How is that not valid HTML? It may not mean anything specific in HTML, but that doesn't make it invalid. (Note: Haven't checked that it's valid XHTML, still think it would be, but there's nothing that makes it invalid HTML).

I'm not sure what you mean recursively parsed. I mean, I understand the english, and the programming concept, but really, isn't this what the browser is doing when displaying stylesheet-applied xml? It reads in the xml, requests the stylesheet, produces an output from that source and stylesheet, and then, since it's HTML (or XHTML in the case of Mozilla), would parse and render that for display. Here, one source becomes another, which is then rendered for display, so in a way, it can be thought of as recursion, but it's two seperate parsers doing the work.

The   isn't HTML anyway it's XSLT, which, by extension is XML and that is also valid XML. An XSLT 1.0 compliant parser should output   after parsing that. Of course, in HTML the   is a named entity which will insert a non-breaking space.

It would be the same thing (but is a little shortcut) to <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="true">&nbsp;</xsl:text>.

Does Mozilla not support the appearance of &nbsp; in their html docs? I might have to go ahead and install that on a machine.
