I can confirm that Windows 2000 is a greate curer of emplode sync failures. I have always had regular sync failures under Win98, even when I set syncs going and just left them to it (certain version of emplode were worse that others).

Since I upgraded to W2k my sync failures had almost entirely vanished. It would appear that either the USB drivers in W2k are better (or it could be the improved multi-tasking I supose). I can even get on and do other stuff while the sync is running, hell, I'm doing and sync while writing this message AND ripping a CD with AudioCatalyst at the same time. I do still get the occasional sync error, but it tends to be at the later stages, I think when it is rebuilding the database.

Unit serial number 47 (was 330 in the queue)...
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday