I see 20 bands in 4 channel mode, 5 for each of 4 channels.
I have them locked left=right.
When I adjust 5-band eq #1 the adjusments are made to 5-band eq #4 and
when I adjust 5-band eq #2 the adjusments are made to 5-band eq #3.
That makes perfect sense to me, but
I still don't get the whole front/back thing...

Furthermore, I'd like to be able to use 2 channel mode so that I have a 10-band eq for the front and a 10 band eq for the rear, this makes the most sense, since left and right speakers usually match, but front and rear speakers are usually different.
anyone got an idea on how to pull that one off...

Edited by dcosta (04/03/2002 22:10)
__________ davecosta Hijacked 60GB MKIIa 2.0b13