I'll have to interject that the main problem that I have with liberalism today in America is the welfare issue. It is abhorrent to me that the government forces hard-working people to pay for the livelyhood of those people who are just too damn lazy to work for themselves.

I work for local government. Being a computer guy, I get paid much better than most, but there are people that I know that work for $13-15000 per year. At that level they have less income than a person living on welfare and doing nothing for themselves except reproducing so that their income check will increase. Not to mention that many of these women have children with multiple fathers simply for the reason that they get more money from the government if they are different "families" which is of course is a problem since a strong father figure is one of the best ways to prevent a child from turning to a life of crime. There are two main problems with this policy. The first being that it is unconstitutional for the government to rob Peter to pay Paul. The government's role should NOT be social welfare. That is the domain of religious organizations and charitable organizations. The second is that the current "system" rewareds large families leeching off society as a whole, which is leading to a larger and larger welfare system. If we continue in our curent trend, there will be more people living on welfare than there are working. This of course will lead to a complete breakdown of the system.

The other problem I have personally is abortion. Being adopted, it hits home harder for me than most that terminating an "annoying" pregnancy is murder. My birth parents were 15 and 16 at the time I was born. I for one am extremely grateful that they had the guts and backbone to do what was right and not simply convenient and by this giving me a chance at life.

My 2 ¢

Edited by lectric (17/03/2002 11:19)