There's a lot of stuff that you say that doesn't make sense. You say that people have the right to do what they want to do, yet, there are boundaries. If I buy a tank of gas, and burn it in my backyard, and all the smoke ends up in your lungs, then what? You won't be able to do *anything* to me, because your rights end at my nose. Government should not interfere.

What of other countries? If truly free trade is considered above all else, then when nations with abundant access to labor built products at significantly lower cost than American workers, then it is completely all right for them to be put out of jobs, completely all right for them to starve on the streets. Realistically, in the face of free trade, there will always be one or another company that will produce better and cheaper products and if free trade was truly the case, will completely annihilate industries on a national level.
