You know, I'm really good with a dremel tool... And a soldering iron... You could send me the parts...

Here's my reasoning behind wanting just a new face instead of a Mark 2:

- I'd love a Mark 2. But out of all its new features, the only thing I'd really use would be the new knob on the face. That's what I'm drooling over. The new look, too, but mostly just that knob.
- But I'd have to sell my Mark 1 in order to afford a Mark 2.
- It would only be feasible to sell the Mark 1 now. If I waited until the Mark 2's were out, my Mark 1 would have less value. I'd need to sell the Mark 1 for at least $900.00. I don't think I could get that much for it even now.
- But if I sold my Mark 1 now, I'd be without tunes while waiting for my number to come up. Can't have that.

That's all. It's not that I'm trying to be cheap or anything.

Tony Fabris (
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris