FYI - my mark1 never made it's reserve price; it hit $865Yeah, that's what I'd figured. We're already too close to the Mark2 release. Ah well.
It's not that the Mark1's aren't worth their full retail value- they are. They're worth every penny. I'm happy I got the chance to snag one when I did. It's just that no one would want to spend that much on a Mark1 now, when they'll be able to get a Mark2 of their own in a few months.
I certainly don't have a problem with the situation. I'm glad that Empeg is coming out with a new and improved product. I just can't afford one right now and was hoping they could offer the face upgrade. But Rob's right... Out of the 350 Mk1 owners, only a fraction would want the face upgrade anyway. Seems kind of silly for them to try to go to that much trouble to satisfy a handful of users- especially when those users already have perfectly good Empeg units that are working exactly as advertised.
If the face upgrade can't happen, that's fine. I'll just put my energy into wiring up some steering-wheel volume buttons.

Now where'd I put that soldering iron?...
Tony Fabris (
Empeg #144