You'll have to excuse me as I don't use any of that fancy graphic stuff on my linux systems, so this might be the "dificult" way.

RPM's arn't executable, they have to be installed with the "rpm" program. Something along the lines of "rpm -i rpmname". To find the rpm that has disapeared, the easiest thing is to (As root) run updatedb, and let that finish... (I'll leave getting it to run in the background as an exercise, as it's not necessary). Once updatedb finishes updating the database of all your files, type "locate file_that_you_want_to_find" (or part of the file name). That should spit out at you the exact location of wherever it is.


PS: Be gratefull there is an RPM for your winmodem. When i was "young" we had to spend hours on slashdot complaining about the lack of drivers for them.