Murray --

I have a lot of ebay experience, and from what I can see, looking at this guy's feedback and auctions, I think you may be more concerned than is necessary.

You just don't get 200 positive feedbacks on ebay by being a flake. The six or seven negative feedbacks he has would seem to be explainable. If it has only been a week and a half... don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. Maybe he's been out of town on a family emergency, maybe his computer is broken, maybe... any number of things.

I just this week finally resolved an ebay problem with an auction that closed more than three months ago. The seller couldn't deliver the product. He wasn't a crook, he was just so embarassed about the whole thing that he didn't want to talk about it, and kept hoping that he would be able to get the stuff together and send it to me but never could. (Long story, not important, why he couldn't...)

Eventually, and in no small part because I was kind and trusting, never accusatory, he refunded my money, and even added (unprompted) additional money for my trouble.

I have never met a "bad" person on ebay. Some of them just might need a little more understanding than others.

Of course, YMMV. No guarantees...

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"