No Tony, it's definitely a protection of some sort.
Firstly, it's a double CD. Both CD's show the same symptoms. When I put them in my plextor 40xmax, the light keeps on blinking as if the Cd-rom can't find something it's looking for. In my 12x plextor writer the drive calms down, but it doesn't show anything when I want to see what's on the disk.

If I fire up EAC or audiograbber, both see the tracks, but they're shown as data, and thus not rippable. (is that a word?)

When I run Clony on them, it says they're both blank disks. CloneCd can copy them, but adds a lot of dummy sectors.

And the fact that both of the CD's don't play as they should on older audio cd-players (old = older than 3 years) is typical of copy protections.

I think a *might* have found a way to rip them after all, but it will take me several hours. If I'm successful, I'll post a how-to here.

Meanwhile I still don't know what the copy protection is, though I've got suspicions it's cactus data shield. Doesn't anybody know of a program that can ID this specific protection?
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup