Yeah. So here is a listing of my root:

empeg:/# ls
bin drive0 etc index.html mnt sbin usr
default.xsl drive1 images lib proc swapfile var
dev empeg images.tar lost+found readme.txt tmp

then a list of /images:

empeg:/images# ls
default.css display_red.png fascia_top.gif rioremote
display_amber.png empeg.gif icon_play.gif show_remote.gif
display_blank.png fascia_bottom.gif icon_stream.gif
display_blue.png fascia_left.gif jscripts.js
display_green.png fascia_right.gif pix.gif

and rioremote has the right stuff in it too (shows up okay).

Where should the "now playing" show up? Front page? Where on the page?
