So let's settle this: how many CDs are in the collection in question?
Okay, barring an immediate answer on this question, let's take a hypothetical 300-CD collection.
Let's assume that, on average, a raw WAV rip of that CD will occupy 600 megabytes of space. Times 300 CD's, that 175 gigabytes of raw storage. Half of that is about 87 gigabytes.
So If the collection is only 300 CD's worth, then I could see how someone might be able to justify spending an entire hard disk (or two) on storing the loslessly-compressed version of these audio files. But if you don't have 90 gigs of spare space that you never intend to use for another purpose, then we're talking offline storage, and that's a complete pain in the ass, even with a high-capacity SDLT drive ($$$)...