Still couldn't get things working just right in Grip ... I gave up, found a command line tool that does more like what I want anyway ... little interaction for big batch runs. It's called autorip. It still didn't have genre and year, but after some hacking in perl (first time hacking in over a year, first time ever in perl!!!) I got it working just right.
Drop in a cd after starting the script. It will start ripping wavs, then convert to flac, adding in id3v2 tags with everything including year and genre parsed out correctly. You get a folder of Artist/Album/Song.flac ... you'll of course want to modify the default folder location (currently buried in /root).
You'll probably need MPEG::MP3Info if you don't already have it.
82598-autorip.gz (88 downloads)
Edited by grgcombs (28/03/2002 22:00)