There is an anti-reflective coating applied by laboratories to prescription spectacle lenses/binoculars/telescopes/cameras etc. that may be beneficial here.
I don't understand how it works but the effect is very obvious and I've been thinking about this & empeg lenses for a while now but have got nowhere researching this.

This coating drastically reduces reflected glare from shiny lenses so you can better see what's behind, anyone who's bought prescription glasses has almost certainly been offered this optional extra coating for an additional £20.

You can see the effect in everyday life if you look for it; In bright light, if you observe a spectacle wearer but can't see their eyes for the reflected/mirrored light from the lenses then they probably don't have this coating.

AFAIK, the coating comes in 2 colours; Blue or green. You can see the slight colour hue if you view the lens at an angle. This doesn't tint the lens at all - it's just a coating on the surface.

It would be great if this coating is available in an aerosol or similiar but as I said, I haven't found anything yet - any offers?!