I have done some researching and found some fairly digestible explanations of anti-glare coatings. I agree in principal that this won't help much with light reflected from the VFD elements though. If anyone is interested, explanations can be found here and here.

That said, I have found a supplier of an aerosol product called VISION CLEAR that looks worth trying. I have emailed them re. purchasing a can and I'll come back with any progress if anyone is interested.
I'm not that optimistic about this product's potential perfomance but even if it helps a little then I'll be happy.

The before/after picture on the Vision Clear page looks like their marketing dept. had spent too much time enhancing it, below is perhaps a less optimistic example of an anti-glare filter at work (Note. This is using a lab applied coating and nothing to do with the aerosol!)....

During my travels it became apparent [as per Terminator's post above] that the proper method involves processing in a clean lab. environment. What I can add though is that this coating is also applied to CRT's and after-market display filters so it's not a size issue necessarily and possibly there is more mileage in this.