I've fixed the problem now. Essentially, what happened was this:

I was migrating the system from Solaris/Intel to FreeBSD, in order to use a 3ware 6410 RAID controller (which I'd highly recommend - it's ATA/66 only, but at $100 for the controller you can't beat it if you need an up-to-4-drive IDE RAID. It even does RAID-5, which is what I'm using it for). Anyway, I had mirrored all the data from the server to this new huge RAID I've got, except that due to a typographical error in my mirroring script, jempeg.org wasn't mirrored. Luckily (well, not luckily; intentionally), I still had the old drives around, so it was just a matter of getting the data off the old drives and onto the new machine.

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience and any mayhem that may have ensued because of it...

Daniel M. Zimmerman Mk.2 #060000058, 36GB Mk.1 #00101, 10GB