
phi144> That's a great collection!

Thanks! That has been the work of about a decade and a half... It evolves as my tastes in music evolves.

Laura> You ought to give the buyer the option of keeping the music or not.

I was tempted, but the files are out of date. I doubt I could fit everything on there at this point. Also, there is the big copyright thing...

Laura> My 40GB is getting full and there is so much more I want to put on it.

I know that feeling. You can never have too much hard drive space...

Tony> You gotta love someone with both Mel Torme and Frank Zappa in the same collection.

Actually, that is part of the new additions. I was in the mood for something different, experimental, exotic. So I picked up the Mel stuff on a whim... This is still a "work in progress". I have a bunch of new stuff that I am just starting to encode now. More strange combinations: off hand I can remember "The Beach Boys", "Iron Maiden", "Frank Sinatra",...
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs