Actually, the closer song isn't about being sexy but rather about degrading one's self by engaging in meaningless sex. Now, if (times you've heard it in a strip club) > (times you've heard it anywhere else), then that might explain how someone would find it sexy. (Although, I personally find going to strip clubs depressing and once was enough for me.)

The video for Closer is based on the photography of some crazy guy who went to South America and photographed dead bodies in all sorts of "artistic" poses. I forget his name. I bought the book because I am a big NIN fan, and have been since before he/they exploded on Lolapalooza. The book was sealed at the store, so I couldn't view it beforehand. That should have been a clue! The book is pretty disturbing once you realize that it isn't fake. Whereas Michelangelo studied the bodies of dead street people to learn anatomy, this guy photographed severed heads and what not. I'm a pretty openminded guy and tend to like the "odd" things in life, but this is one of the very few things I have ever found offensive. Maybe if I read the whole book, I'd get a better understanding for it -but I also have a weak stomache, no matter how strong my natural curiousity is.
Brad B.