I was just explaining to Doug which melodies were done by which instruments.

Tony, you are far too modest. That essay you wrote could be submitted for credit in any college level music appreciation course. I hope you don't mind too much... but I will post here just two tiny excerpts from what you wrote as examples of what you did, just in case you have forgotten...

That long sustained note is a high "G" played at the twelfth fret on the third string, and sustained. During the sustain, the guitar begins to gradually feed back through its amplification.


When a string begins to feed back, it usually only resonates at one of its dominant harmonic sub-frequencies. The amplifier vibrates the air in the studio, which vibrates the body of the guitar, which adds energy to the string, which is picked up by the guitar pickups, which goes back to the amplifier... etc.

This is really good stuff!

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"