By Administrator do you mean of the RAID or Network? My XP installation is a standalone workstation (peer to peer networking only) - no administator. A couple of days ago my AMD went out and took out the motherboard with it. I rarely make backups and think of PCs as disposable except I do not want to lose data everytime something happens.
Most of my software at work has hardware locks either through a serial port of the parallel port for each particular program so it's just a quick install on them but every program puts its' particular data files in a subdirectory of that program. It makes quick data file back ups difficult.
A standalone RAID seemed like the perfect solution except in case of catastrophic loss like a fire, etc. The big loss then would be the hardware program locks which are insured.
If it works out, I'm also going to do the same thing on the PC that has all my tediously ripped MP3s on it.
I assume under a mirrored RAID with the Promise card, the drivers would report back to a utility that there were problems.
Edited by blitz (12/04/2002 13:47)