Awesome. Finally someone that can understand my fascination with keeping old junk. My friends pester me all the time for all the crap I keep around. Moving into my new apartment last September was a painful and arduous process. To this day, there are still boxes of computer parts, an old HP 286 case (you never know), legos, magazines, school papers, books, floppies, etc sitting in my dad's storage loft. I have been called a pack rat on multiple multimple occasions. I didn't sleep right for weeks after moving out, cringing at the sight of my old room at my dads house - vacant.

Trouble is, I also like things neat and organized. Somehow things come together into a happy medium. My things are chronologically ordered into "piles" on my floor, shelves, desk, etc. And who said that the floor was an unacceptable storage location? As messy as my old room was, I always knew exactly where something was whenever needed.

My room in my apt actually has a floor, though. I took thorough advantage of the quadrupled closet space I acquired.

Think of it this way, at least if you took up the deal and got the extra blue carry case, then you would have a backup!

BleachLPB ------------- NewFace MK2a