Well, as long as you bumped the thread, here's what I ended up doing.

Work: I'm getting a new PC, but it's going to be running WinXP and Linux-on-VMware, as I'm doing now. I'm just not satisfied with the other solutions for my needs at work.

At home, however, I've just taken delivery of a shiny new PowerMac.

My needs in each location are sufficiently different that I've decided to split things in half. Also, this gives me the PowerMac to play with over time, rather than trying to migrate everything at once. Two years from now, my situation will, no doubt, be different than it is today, and I might convert everything to Apple gear.

Oh, and to further confuse myself, I'm getting Apple-brand flat-screen monitors for both new computers. The educational discount makes them much better than anything else I can get.