You know something?
Apart from an introductional offer to this board (which I really thought was a nice idea), almost every seller I know of would have used just the opposite strategy from yours: Start out at a high price (at least after the eStore went out of stock) and reduce price slightly after a while, and more and more the nearer the end of warranty timeline came. This would be more logical: You get more desperate to sell the rest of your stock when the clock ticks down, and demand probably doesn't increase much over time (if at all), so there is a (comparatively) huge supply and a small demand near the end of this month. Using the most basic marketing/selling rule of price=demand/supply*constant, price should go down now.
But anyhow: I deprecate your decision of raising the prices again, but it is still your decision, and I can do nothing about it (except explaining my own reasoning to you).
Good luck selling the rest of your units.
proud owner of MkII 40GB & MkIIa 60GB both lit by God and HiJacked by Lord