I don't have everything. Just lots of phones and computer stuff.

Anyway, I have never seen the announce feature built into a phone. I have only seen it as a seperate box usually available at Radio Shack. I am looking to get a box that has a big LED (not LCD) display like this one. I figure I could put it on top of my TV and see it at 6 feet away. There are also solutions that superimpose caller ID info into your video signal so it shows up on your TV. I don't want to do this as it will probably degrade the picture qualtiy.

Here's a link to RS's talking caller ID box. By the way, I have started clearing out some of my stuff. The tax man hasn't been nice this year. I am going to start posting a couple things a day until it's all gone. Check me out on eBay.
-Rob Riccardelli
80GB 16MB MK2 090000736