I'm currently using this Siemens model, and I absolutely LOVE it. It has a great range, the batteries last for hours (never been able to use up the total battery capacity - and I sometimes call for HOURS), it does caller-ID just fine and it does hands-free calling. Nowadays I rarely call with the phone to my head, it's always standing on my desk. The beauty of this phone's hands free is that the caller on the other side really doesn't even notice if your hands free or not. You don't have to shout at it. Something I can't say about the previous model I owned, the Loewe Aphatel 4000DE. Man, what a piece of crap that was. The batteries only lasted for two hours and if the phone wasn't in it's charger they drained completely in a matter of 1 hr. Also the hands-free option was complete crap, as was the range of the thing. Stay away from these phones...
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup