And I totally disagree.
Everyone I've talked to has either thought it was a fair movie or thought it was absolutely incredible. I am of the later group.
I thought the visual style was fantastic. The new director has brought a completely new look to the "dark scary places" of Blade.
Yes, it was more gory, but hey, that can be fun too. Just because the first one wasn't, does that mean the second can't be even more visceral? Do you want a cookie-cutter sequal that doesnt' change anything up at all? That would be pretty boring.
You didn't mention a thing about the action scenes. This implies that you had your eyes shut

Just kidding. Seriously, didn't you think the action was great? Granted, the wrestling-type moves seemed a bit much, but the more I think about it, if a creature is going to jump on you, lying on the ground, from 150 feet away, what says he can't do that thing where he slams his elbow into Blade's chest? It seems likely to me. Other than that unusual element, I thought the action was some of the best I've ever seen.
I must admit, I cringed at only one use of CGI, when Blade was fighting the intruder in front of the bright lights and they were fliping all over the place. Looked too fake, but it was still somewhat cool.
And you could see the unlikely romantic interest throughout the film. It was hinted at at every possible point. I thought it created a great conflict in those two characters. I didn't expect what eventually happened with her character.
I say see it in the theaters. See a matinee. It'll cost a few bucks more than the video rental will, but if you think you'll see it at all, you might as well see the film on the big screen, whether you like it or not.