It had nothing to do with the comic. (In fact, I'm not really very familiar with Blade except as a not-terribly-major character in the otherwise pretty good 70s Marvel series
Tomb of Dracula, where he was, more or less, a Shaft/Superfly ripoff. In particular, I never read more than a few pages of``his'' eponymous 90s series towards which the movie was largely oriented.) It was just an awful script and awful plot with awful direction, mediocre acting, and obviously cheated-on production values. I figured as much when I rented it (which I did based solely on the fact that it was based on a comic and that it
looked as if it had A-level production values), but I figured that with established names like Wesley Snipes and Stephen Dorff and Kris Kristofferson attached to it that it would at least be passable. But it wasn't. Note that it was still about 100 times better than any other Marvel superhero movie ever made. (I have high hopes for Spider-Man, though. If only it featured Gwen Stacy and they killed her off....)
By the way, if anyone would like to see a
good superhero movie, check out
Unbreakable. It's not based on a preexisting comic, but it's probably the best superhero movie ever. And if you don't quite like it at first (I didn't) wait a week or so and start thinking about it. Maybe read an analysis or two and then watch it again. It's phenomenal.