Aww, that's sad. I thought their latest was better than No 4 at least. Tiny music wasn't all that great IMO. I just find it interesting that you thought they lost their edge. I agree that there are a lot of softer, more melodic tracks on Shangri-La Dee Da, but at least they're heartfelt, as opposed to something like "Blurry" by Puddle of Mudd. And at least they're able to back it up with stuff like "Coma", "Dumb Love", and "Regeneration", each of which are as hard as, or harder, than anything on Core.

I agree that Purple was probably the pinacle of their career, but I still think they continue to keep it up. They'll never match "Interstate Love Song", but they can still put out very good music. Plus, how many bands have successfully put out 5 good to classic albums without changing their style at all?

Well anyway, we're more or less in agreement that STP is great anyway. I know you're gonna enjoy the hell out of their show. They're still on the top of their game.