The real answer to your question is that radio stations (and other broadcast media) have specific rules that they must adhere to, most of which make it unfeasible for someone to attempt to copy an entire album off the airwaves. These rules (I can't remember them all and I'm sure I'll get some of them somewhat wrong) are things like ``You cannot publish a timed playlist'', ``You can play only a few songs from any given artists during a set period of time'', ``You can only play a few songs from any given album during a smaller set period of time'', etc. Your special ability is that you are able to find and collect any given song in the station's collection without having to wait for it.

I'd argue with you semantically about your use of the term ``piracy'', as you're not actually stealing a physical item, you're infringing on someone else's rights, but that's neither here nor there.
Bitt Faulk