Any clues as to why Word 2002 takes for-freakin'-ever to open a document already on my XP system? It hangs at "Requesting virus scan" for 10 munutes, literally 10 MINUTES! But when I open a .doc from an email attachment, it pops right open.
Also printing does the same, the printer is on another PC (Win98) on the home net because it wouldn't print when directly connected to the XP. It kept erroring and sending me to the useless troubleshooter. So printing takes 10 minutes as well as connecting to the other computers on the home net. Other boxes (98 and Me) connecting to the XP are fast though... It drives me nuts. Any suggestions? It didn't do this when I first built the box, only after doing recommended Windows updates...
Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX