Thank for all the fast replies guys!
Just FYI, I'm using win2k. I've tried that refresh rate fix program, but it doesn't work. I guess I'm using those latest drivers that don't work. Shame.
If I get this thing to run, I may take you up on this duel.
Tony, the key you provided worked up to "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services".... I could not find a key called class, so I did a search for display instead.
Under the above mentioned key there is sub key called "NV". This one shows four (0-3) devices (I don't know where those four come from - I've only had this card in the system since it's been compeletely reinstalled) which show a whole lot of video modes. I'm stuck here : don't know what to do now. What are my options?
Oh, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you say :"
I don't know if the DirectX video drivers are used in the Q3 engine for controlling the display refresh, but running DXSETUP will also let you force DirectX to a specific refresh rate. "
Don't the Quake engine games use Open-GL instead of directX? I know it used to be like that once, but things may have changed A LOT since I've played my last PC game.