
Always happy to help. I am now loading Hijack 263 on my Mark2a with a huge database (emplode shows 111GB capacity, 18.9GB free, 15,133 tracks). I will let you know in a few minutes. I had been consistantly having trouble (I posted some detailed dumps and versions previously, using up to 253 most recently), and I will let you know in a few minutes. Since I am able to reproduce the error every time, I will know soon...

Note: my drives were booted cleanly, so there was no disk trouble before this test...

Testing... Loading 263... emplode... Changing IP address to force a full sync... Syncing...

Hm!!! Looks GOOD! This would not have worked for me before!

Testing... emplode... more radical changes... syncing... rebuilding database (for me, a long task)...

Hm!!! Still looks GOOD! This would not have worked for me before!

Okay. Now for the harshest test. Previously, I could not even upload a file via FTP or serial without the kernal bailing on me. Now... drop to shell... rw... rwm... cd /drive0/mirror (where I keep my mirrordb symlinks for http amusements)... rm -rf empeg-car... running... GOOD! swapon /swapfile... mirrordb... WOW!!! rom... ro... reboot!!!

IT WORKS!!! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!! Grovel, grovel, cringe, bow, stoop, fall, worship, worship, beg, kneel, sponge, crawl...

Tomorrow, I will test this out on my other unit, and validate it with FTP and the network...

Edited by pgrzelak (28/04/2002 18:44)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs