What changes were made to the illumination code? Can you provide more details?

2 changes.

Firstly the dimmer detection has been reworked so that it works in my car. Hopefully it still works in yours! Seriously though, the previous code didn't deal well with PWM dimmer lines leading to psychadelic displays when my headlights were on. Cool, but annoying as hell after a couple of minutes. This shouldn't break anything for anybody, and as I was the only one so far (AFAIK) to see this issue, it wont fix anything for any other current users either. Although anybody else with a late model VW considering the hack would have hit it, and that probably applies to Audi and possibly BMW owners too.

The other change is a fix to the timing of the command. The command byte is supposed to be delayed 0.1s after the PIC has been woken and told to expect it. Due to a bug, it was only being sent if it was within 0.1s, and discarded otherwise. This was leading to commands sometimes getting lost, and I also saw the 'dimming capacitor' problem as well which now seems to have gone. (Possibly caused by an 'impatient' command being misinterpreted as a display command byte?)

The down side is that now, everytime the button level is adjusted in the menu there is a lag - especially when reducing the level as the LED is first turned off, and then brightened in multiple 5% increments, each taking about 0.125seconds. I'm not happy about this lag and I'm still looking at this, but I think that having robust illumination that reacts predictably to the dimmer line is the end goal - the menu is just a means to an end.

Let me know if you see any other issues arising from these changes..

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