Okay, I realize that this is both way off topic (even for this board) and about five years out of date, but just deal with it.

Anyway, I think that there are enough gamers on here to perhaps help me out without having to tread into some gamers' forum.
I've been playing some Diablo recently (the original, not that Diablo II is not behind the times as well) and I've been (I think) doing pretty well. Until I got to this most recent level. Pretty much I walk down the stairs and dozens of monsters immediately start firing acid at me -- so much that if I stand in one place, it creeps underneath me and I start taking damage. Not to mention all the fireballs that the big winged demons keep throwing at me. And since I immediately start taking damage, I can't cast any area-damage spells, not that it would do that much good anyway, since the monsters are largely magic and fire resistant.
So what I want to know is how to get out of this. I mean, is this a common occurrance? Am I just not twitchy enough? Or am I missing something obvious? Or should I just go play Mario Cart?